Best Practices for Securing Your Site (60 min)

With new threats constantly emerging, how can website owners protect themselves and their business? In this session we will cover this crucial topic for SEOs and share several demos of these threats, plus how they can be prevented. Find out what Google is seeing in hacking trends, Google’s view on what HTTPS does (and doesn’t do), and how to best address a hacked site.

Attendees will learn how to protect against SQL injection attacks, sanitize user generated input, and come away with other practical tips that can immediately be implemented to secure their sites.

Workshop – Stop Guessing: Diagnosing and Fixing WordPress Performance

Speed matters. People are impatient. If your website or a client’s website doesn’t load quickly – within a just a couple of seconds – many visitors will abandon it completely. A slow site means lost time & revenue. But figuring out how to speed up a slow site can be HARD. Everyone’s got a suggestion and an idea for how to fix your performance issues, but most are just guesses, and not based on real data. STOP GUESSING. If you have a performance issue, or just want a faster site, you need to KNOW exactly what is slowing things down, and how to fix it. This talk will show you how.

Workshop – Take Command With Custom WP-CLI Commands

The WP-CLI gives developers powerful tools to rapidly manage WordPress sites, automate repetitive tasks and diagnose problems from the command line. But if you aren’t building custom commands, you’re leaving tons of time-saving potential on the table!

In this session we’ll explore best practices for creating custom command line interfaces, combining and reusing commands, plus other tips & tricks.

Experience with WP-CLI will be helpful, but not required to attend.

Introduction to the WordPress HTTP API (60 min)

The WordPress HTTP API allows you to gather data from other parts of the web and present it however you wish. We’ll take a look at how it’s done, while taking into consideration performance issues.

We’ll look at both examples of what can be done as well as code samples to accomplish specific goals.

Building Gutenberg Blocks with ACF (30 min)

For those of us that rely greatly on Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) for customizing our themes, the release of Gutenberg was and still is scary at times.

Have no fear! acf_register_block() allows you to create your own Gutenberg blocks using just Advanced Custom Fields.

You will learn:

  • ACF & it’s awesome capabilities
  • How to create Gutenberg blocks with ACF
  • A few other handy ACF tips & tricks

WordCamp Denver is over. Check out the next edition!